
We are looking for independent living, assisted living, memory care, or any combination of the three, as well as subject properties that have adjoining parcels for sale. We have a great capital partner that is fair, easy to work with, acts quickly, and is capable of closing even quicker. If you have a community you’re actively looking to sell or even just exploring options, or maybe own land that you want to develop give us a call to discuss your options.

Locations: US and Canada.
Land Use / Zoning: • Suitable for development and operation of a Senior Living & Care Facility, which offer either or all of the following: Independent Living, Assisted Living, and Memory Care.
• Appropriate zoning / entitlements in place, or within development-friendly jurisdictions that provide for the ability to secure them in the short term.
Project Cost Range: $15,000,000 to $35,000,000, inclusive of purchase price and costs required for construction / value enhancement.
Parcel Sizes: Generally 2 acres up to about 15 acres, depending upon density restrictions, height limitations and other factors.
Demographics: Primary Market Areas (within a 5 mile radius) that demonstrate high concentrations and positive growth trends generally consisting of:
• Income Qualified Seniors (seniors 75+ years old with Median HH Income exceeding $35,000)
• Income Qualified Adult Children (adults between 45 to 65 years old with Median HH Income exceeding $75,000)
• Median Owned Housing Values exceeding National and State medians
Local Supply & Demand: An appropriate balance between competitive supply of existing/planned projects, and qualified demand within the PMA, indicating favorable Penetration Rates.
Proximity To: • Hospitals / major medical facilities within five miles.
• Retail shopping and other services within two miles
• Convenient access to public transportation
• Adequate supply of labor force
Purchase Types: Single Assets, Portfolios, JV Opportunities